The Review: The Boys From Biloxi by John Grisham

The Review: The Boys From Biloxi by John Grisham

The Review: The Boys From Biloxi by John Grisham
The Review: The Boys From Biloxi by John Grisham

"#1 New York Times bestselling author John Grisham returns to Mississippi in his most gripping legal thriller yet, the riveting story of two sons of immigrant families who grow up as friends, but ultimately find themselves on opposite sides of the law."

I should preface this review with a disclaimer, when I ran out of my own books to read when I was a kid I started on my Dad's collection which included most of John Grisham's work. Grisham was my introduction to fiction and I’ve loved his style of writing ever since.

Grisham introduces us to the town of Biloxi with its livelihood from the ocean and its people mostly immigrants from Eastern Europe. Law enforcement doesn’t live up to its name in Biloxi, prohibition is openly ignored by the local clubs and complemented by other vices like gambling and prostitution.

The story focuses on two immigrant families, the sons of which grow up playing sports together. The Marco's run the darker side of town and find their interests clashing with the Rudy’s when their father becomes a lawyer and makes it his mission to ‘Clean up the Coast’. The boys drift apart, each choosing to follow in their father’s footsteps. The novel follows the ups and down of both families and the implications their decisions have on the town.

Grisham's character development is impeccable as always and the plot is tied up so cleverly. He was very clever in how he used the boys to show how two similar lives can diverge so dramatically depending on your role models.

I loved this book (and my Dad will too!).  


- Words by Michelle O'Brien

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